Mission to the World and Operation Exodus partner together to serve the community of Washington Heights & Inwood in New York City. We need mission teams to serve, year round opportunities available, but the greatest need is during the summer.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Making Memories
If you have a fun memory from Exodus or story to tell, please let us know! We'd love to hear what the Lord has done in your life through Exodus or how your time there changed your perspective on ministry.
From someone that went in Summer 2007:
“I really had no expectations for this trip. The only thing I ask of the Lord to use me. I was open to what ever he chose for me to do. I never expected to be a volunteer for a tutor… The first few days I felt almost useless because I didn’t know the plan for the class and didn’t know to what extent I should participate in class…Today during craft time I spontaneously started sharing what God had done for me and gave them [the children] words of encouragement and comfort...My prayer is that they will take what little I shared with them and continue to build on it…I see their faces now and I pray I never forget what they look like. They will always be in my heart.”
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Getting Ready!
While you are getting ready...
For both Spring and Summer teams, here are a few things you may want to include in your suitcase:
Shoes you are comfortable walking in
Warmer clothes incase it gets cold at night or in the hostel (for Spring teams: pack for varying temperatures!)
Rain jacket
Ear plugs
Hand sanitizer
Flip-flops for the showers
These are just a few things to think about. More detailed lists are avaliable in the NYCOE Team Leader's manual. If you are going to the POT, you will receive a copy of the Team Leader's Manual there!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
...In NYC, middle school students must complete a high school application and some must take a high school placement test?
...The City of New York is closing 16 high schools in exchange for opening 13 smaller high schools?
Making the transition for any kid from middle school to high school is a huge step in growing up! But imagine if you had to face an application, a test, open houses, and school fairs before you ever even got there! Getting in to high school in NYC can sometimes be as rigorus as applying for college!
As Exodus prepares their middle schoolers for this big event, there is a huge need for prayer around the students. Grades at this point in their school careers will hugely impact their time in high school. Please pray that the tutors will know how to best help these students in preparing, and that the students will have the will, courage, and excitement to learn...Especially with decreasing the number of schools, and increasing the number of students in each school, this time is going to be tough.
Praise the Lord for...
...A comment on one student's report card said, "Has shown extraordinary improvement in her overall grades for second semester."
...One student at Inwood had two quizzes this week and acheived grades of 100 on both!
... One first grader has an extremely unstable home life and no adult leadership. His last report card was very heart breaking, but in class he is making small improvements every day and they are starting to add up! His addition skills are growing every day and his vocabulary is increasing also!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tips for Preparing. Stories from Exodus.
Here are a few tips on getting things started:
1.) Advertise the project: This could be through flyers, emails, phone calls, meetings, Facebook, etc.
2.) Get a core group of interested believers together. Share the details and pray about it.
3.) Once you get commitments, spend time getting to know your team! Have regular team meetings where you talk about details, and make a team Covenant. (You might also want to do some team building time outside your meetings where you get to know each other a little better and can share some great memories).
4.) Send out support letters. If you need ideas for what to write in your letters, we will be glad to give you some samples!
5.) Do some culture study. Check out these links:
6.) Contact us if you have ANY questions. We are glad to help!
In Other News!
After School started at the heights on November 12th and everything got into place immediately. Most students re-enrolled immediately, a testimony to great communication between thearent coordinator and the parents. One change is the number of classes – the After School is running 10 classes, not 11. The 11th classroom is being used for HS students, as well as special events like the “readers’ cafĂ©” and “awesome effort” prizes.
Ashley’s focus this year has been tutor quality, and she has put great training, systems, and evaluation into place. Two tutors have had to leave the Heights this year, but Ashley filled their places quickly, and the new tutors have stepped in prepared and able to deliver.
A big praise for OE at Inwood is that one 5th grader has begun thriving after a long time of struggling in school with his teacher. He was struggling to learn his times tables and other areas. He wasn't doing his homework, or writing down assignments, but with the help of Chris and Jacelyn at OE, he is getting back on track! He is now completing homework and turning assignments in on time! His teacher is very impressed (although she never really gave him much of a chance before) and has sent his parent a letter praising him for his turnaround! Please pray for the heart of the teacher- that she would be kind and thoughtful and see that this child and his education are just as important as the other students.